- Unless otherwise stipulated in a by-law, renovation works can only be performed during the hours of 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 12 noon Saturday, no work permitted on Sundays or Public Holidays
- All work must comply with the relevant Australian codes and standards and the Building Code of Australia.
- The Strata Committee members or their representative must be permitted reasonable access to inspect renovations at any time.
- A notice of your intention to start work must be displayed in the foyer at least 2 weeks prior to work commencing.
- You are responsible for any false alarm fees that may be incurred as a result of your proposed works.
I confirm that the information provided is to the best of my knowledge correct and agree to the terms and conditions above and as per the individual requirements applicable to the particular Strata Plan.
I acknowledge that I am responsible for any resultant damage to the common property as a result of my proposed works and that all tradespeople working in my apartment are licensed and insured and that the works will be carried out per the Building code of Australia standards, and that any costs for rectification of damage, or costs incurred by the Owners Corporation in managing these works will be charged to my levy account.
*Note: The monthly management fee charged by our agency does not cover lot owner renovations. Our involvement for Lot Owner renovations is charged in 6 minute increments at $220 per hour.