Tenants (whose landlords have provided a tenancy notice to the owners corporation, as required) have the right to attend meetings of the owners corporation, but not to speak without the permission of the owners, or vote unless they hold a proxy. They may be excluded from the meeting when certain matters are discussed, such as financial matters or a proposal for the collective sale of the strata scheme.

In certain strata schemes, the tenants have the right to nominate a tenant representative as a member of the strata committee (the committee that looks after the day-to-day running of the strata scheme). This applies in strata schemes where tenants (whose landlords have provided a tenancy notice to the owners corporation, as required) live in at least half of the number of lots in a scheme.

The owners corporation is then responsible for calling a meeting of the eligible tenants at least 14 days before the next AGM. The meeting can either be chaired by the chairperson, or someone nominated, including a tenant. The tenants then nominate one tenant to be their representative on the strata committee. The tenant representative is introduced at the AGM, and holds office until the next AGM concludes.

The tenant representative, as a member of the strata committee, is entitled to a copy of the agenda and any minutes of meetings held.