Scheme Parking Rules

Scheme Parking Rules

Residents or their visitors are not entitled to park in other lot owners’ spaces, on common property or in spaces allocated to emergency vehicles. Visitors can only park in allocated visitors’ spaces for a reasonable time, or as indicated in any signage. if an...
Window Safety Device Requirements

Window Safety Device Requirements

March 13, 2018 looms as an important date as new regulations regarding common property window openings come into play. Quoting the department of fair trading: To prevent children falling from windows, all strata buildings in NSW must be fitted with devices that enable...
Changes to Swimming Pool Register

Changes to Swimming Pool Register

From 1 January 2018 NSW Fair Trading took over the administrative functions for the swimming pools register from the Office of Local Government. Remember if your Strata owns a swimming pool in NSW it must be registered on the NSW Swimming Pool Register. There is a...